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Page title: methodica :: About us
Update: 2010-10-28 08:13:50 (UTC)
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About us whom you are talking


  • offer qua­li­ty ad­vi­ce in the field of IT,
  • have and main­tain broad know­led­ge of the re­le­vant me­tho­do­lo­gi­cal ap­proa­ches, pa­ra­digms and tech­no­lo­gies,
  • have many years of ex­pe­rience as soft­wa­re en­gi­neers, pro­ject lea­ders and IT ma­na­gers,
  • keep up to da­te with re­gard to tech­no trends and the bu­si­ness en­vi­ron­ment of our cus­to­mers,
  • are up to da­te me­tho­di­cal­ly and tech­ni­cal­ly,
  • provide our cus­to­mers with our know­led­ge, our ex­pe­ri­en­ce and our ca­pa­bi­li­ties to the grea­test pos­si­ble ex­tent.

Four simple prin­ci­ples1 help us to do so.

Our Roles

    Project Leader and Coach

    We accom­pany or ma­na­ge your IT pro­jects, coach, com­ple­ment, and sup­port the pro­ject teams through trai­ning, in­struc­tions, exam­ples, and we take over spe­ci­fic pro­ject tasks (such as pro­ject ma­na­ge­ment, qua­li­ty ma­na­ge­ment, con­fi­gu­ra­tion and chan­ge ma­na­ge­ment, risk ma­na­ge­ment.).

    Advocatus Diaboli

    We put the ne­ces­sa­ry cri­ti­cal is­su­es ear­ly whe­re they ac­tu­al­ly can be hand­led, and whe­re de­ci­sions are made. Ri­go­rous­ly, we bring mis­un­der­stan­dings among spon­sor, ma­na­ge­ment, user and de­ve­lo­per to the light.


    We fa­ci­li­ta­te and help to re­mo­ve ob­stac­les im­pe­ding or de­lay­ing a pro­ject. To all par­ties we ex­plain facts and is­su­es in a lan­gua­ge they can un­der­stand.


    On your behalf, we mo­ni­tor and con­trol the in­ter­nal and ex­ter­nal im­ple­men­ta­tion of sys­tem parts with re­gard to com­pli­an­ce with re­quire­ment spe­ci­fi­ca­tions, tech­ni­cal qua­li­ty, time­li­ness, and costs.

    We conduct for­mal pro­ject re­views for the pro­ject spon­sor, and in­for­mal au­dits for the pro­ject teams.

    Analysts & Developers

    We analyze com­plex prob­lem do­mains and sce­na­rios (e.g. in the area of MIS / EIS). We ela­bo­ra­te stra­te­gies, and cre­ate se­cu­ri­ty con­cepts, in­fra­struc­tu­res, and sys­tem ar­chi­tec­tu­res. If ne­ces­sa­ry, we im­ple­ment key com­po­nents.

    Also see

    • Profile2
    • History3
    • Priciples4