methodica information technology

We make it happen - together with you!

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Your IT projects...

  • Support decision-making
    Free view over cor­po­ra­te da­ta re­qui­re clear da­ta mo­dels and con­so­li­da­ted core ap­pli­ca­tions or 'data ware­houses'.
  • Expand functionality
    Front-end user appli­ca­tions pro­vide in­for­ma­tion in time and in an appro­pri­ate form to best sup­port pro­ducts and pro­cesses. They must be ba­sed on a clear archi­tec­ture.
  • Reduce infrastructure costs
    IT infrastructures cost a lot. Care­ful­ly de­sig­ned, they al­low for flexi­bi­li­ty and can fol­low the de­mand by grow­ing or shrin­king.
  • Improve security
    Infrastructures and archi­tec­tu­res ba­sed on a se­cu­ri­ty con­cept al­lows us to de­li­be­ra­tely take risks or avoid risks.


...properly realized

We can help to realize your IT projects in a safe way by....

creating transparency

organizing and designing

leading the realization

The majority of IT projects

  • are delayed,
  • cost more than budgeted,
  • do not (accurately) meet requirements.

Very rarely only lack of tech­ni­cal skills is cau­sing this. More usu­al­ly it's lack of ex­pe­ri­ence in lea­der­ship and com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

Where we excel


Fellstrasse 3
CH-5413 Birmenstorf AG

Phone: +41-56-225 0055 (*)
Mail: Contact form
Skype: methodica
Legal & Impressum
(*) No advertising!


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