
Tools and utilities

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We have re­lea­sed ver­sion 1.4 of the

me­tho­di­ca mes­sa­ge fee­der (MMFeeder).

MMfeeder is a tool that pro­vi­des mes­sa­ge feed data that can be ea­si­ly ad­mi­ni­ste­red from a cen­tral da­ta­ba­se. It has been ful­ly im­ple­men­ted in web tech­no­lo­gy, and there­fore can be used from any­whe­re with a stan­dard brow­ser. A com­for­ta­ble on­li­ne edi­tor is part of the tool set.


LogzMon 1.4

LogzMon is a simple log file (ASCII file) reader and monitor.

The monitor feature issues ac­tions (e.g. sends an eMail or SMS messa­ge, or sends an HTTP re­quest, etc.) when pre-de­fi­ned events oc­cur.

LogzMon has been im­ple­men­ted as a web ap­pli­ca­tion. It needs a web ser­ver (Apache, IIS) and a PHP en­gine to run. On the client side a stan­dard web brow­ser is suf­fi­ci­ent.

Ticker / Internet time

For many years now our tic­ker ap­plet (Java) runs on ma­ny web si­tes - to­ge­ther with its ex­ten­sions that al­low to dis­play text ta­ken from fi­les, date and time (in­ter­net ti­me too), and mo­re.

Also see
